LinkedIn for Small Businesses: Optimizing Your Profile - Seattle Digital Freelancers
Meeting Notes from

LinkedIn for Small Businesses: Optimizing Your Profile

Today Ashley Laabs, LinkedIn ghostwriter, strategist, coach, and owner of Composure Digital, gave a great presentation on optimizing your LinkedIn profile.

Why is it important to optimize your LinkedIn profile?

  • 99% of the companies on LinkedIn are small businesses
  • 80% of the people on LinkedIn are decision makers
  • People are on LinkedIn to do business, learn, and solve problems
  • Your personal LinkedIn profile is a really powerful tool compared to your company page. Because:
    • You are an individual providing helpful advice as an expert vs a company trying to make a sale.
    • People can contact you and create a relationship with you – they can’t do that with a business.
    • They can see contacts you may have in common.
    • You can tell your personal stories.

Ashely also emphasized that your profile isn’t a resume, it’s a marketing tool.

A great questions was “Should I post on my company page or on my personal page?” and Ashley’s answer was that you should post on whichever has the greatest following. Which is most likely your personal page. You want your post to be seen by whichever has the biggest reach.

Want to optimize your LinkedIn profile?

This is only some of what Ashley talked about. To learn more download her toolkit.

Download Ashley’s helpful toolkit:

Please reach out to me if you would like to access the recording of the presentation.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be at noon on Wednesday, November 8th and Jess will be talking about Instagram.

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