Mastering the Initial Sales Call - Seattle Digital Freelancers
Meeting Notes from

Mastering the Initial Sales Call

Today we had a lively discussion about best practices for handling that crucial first contact with a potential client. Here’s an overview of what we talked about:

Selling is an emotional process

Selling your service is an emotional process. It involves building trust and connecting with potential clients on a personal level, making them feel valued and understood.

Sell the relationship

Are you selling your services, or are you building a relationship with your prospect? Whether they choose to work with you or not, it’s important to be seen as an authority and ensure your value is clearly understood. Even if a prospect isn’t a good fit now, they might refer others to you or need your services in the future.

Don’t forget your call to action!

Never end a meeting without a clear and actionable next step. If they’re a good fit, schedule the next interaction right away. If they’re excited about your offer, you might say, “If you want to start right away, I can take a credit card over the phone.” If they’re not a good fit, follow up with a thank you email and wish them the best, perhaps even asking for a referral.

More key points:

  • The main goal of the first meeting is to build trust, and to continue building it over time.
  • The first meeting isn’t necessarily about selling; it’s about getting permission to meet again.
  • Consider your own hiring experiences. What builds trust for you? What annoys you? (Nobody likes being upsold!)
  • Sell the value you provide, the future they want, and the problems you solve. For example, I’m not just selling websites; I’m helping clients attract and support their ideal customers.
  • Have a process, template, or script for every step of your sales process.
  • “Prospect or suspect?” Did they show genuine interest and meet your criteria? If so, they’re a prospect. If not, they’re a suspect. Keep suspects on your radar and offer them something of value, like a download, a referral, or a subscription to your email list.
  • Never assume a prospect will take the lead. Be the initiator.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask, “I’d really love to work with you. Why aren’t we doing business together?”

Should You Discuss Pricing in the First Meeting?

Opinions varied widely:

  • Save it for a follow-up meeting.
  • Ask about their budget.
  • Ask, “Have you thought about how much you want to invest in marketing for the success of your business?”
  • Discuss potential returns on investment.
  • Provide ballpark estimates.
  • Refer them to pricing on your website and explain that exact costs will be determined after the initial assessment.

Some additional resources

I recently published a blog post with a PDF containing a Sales Script you can use or modify for your business. Here’s the link:   Master the Art of the ‘Good Fit’ Meeting: A Sales Script for Small Business Owners

Congratulations to Randy on His New Book!

Randy consistently and generously shares his wealth of entrepreneurial wisdom at all our meetings. Now, he’s packed that knowledge into his new book, Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide: Driving to Your Intent. Be sure to buy, read, review, and share Randy’s book!


Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, July 10th at noon, and we’ll continue talking about the sales process. Hope to see you there!

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